When A Mississippi Payday Loan Can Help With Your Money Troubles
Are you having money troubles? Then you’re not alone. If anything, amid the Covid-19 pandemic the amount of those who’ve found themselves in financial difficulty has only multiplied.
And we weren’t particularly good with money, to begin with – after all, according to various data, even before the pandemic around 50 to 60% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck.
Luckily, there are options out there for those facing money troubles these days. Payday loans, for example, could be an optimal problem solution to those who’re struggling with stretching their paycheck to cover larger expenses – or have been hit with large, unexpected expenses. As long as they’re responsible when applying.
When Should You Apply For A Mississippi Payday Loan?
If you’re having money troubles, then being frivolous about debt is the last thing you should do. After all, multiplying your money troubles is the last thing you want to do.
So before you apply for a payday loan, sit down, consider your circumstances, and ask yourself 2 things:
- How time-sensitive are the money troubles at hand?
- Will the situation escalate and demand more money to be fixed if not handled as soon as possible?
If your problem isn’t particularly urgent – then your first solution shouldn’t be going into debt, but trying to get cash together without adding to your financial obligations. Readjusting the budget, asking for a salary advance, getting a side hustle – are all things you should consider before debt.
But if the problem is time-sensitive and becomes more expensive as time goes, then handling it immediately and covering the loan later would be a better solution.
Say you’re having car trouble. If you live in an area with a good transportation system, then you can put the car in the garage and postpone dealing with the problem, until you’re able to get cash together.
But if you need the car for your daily commute, then every day you’re risking damaging it further unless you visit a mechanic. In that case, getting a payday loan is a good option – even if you’re having other money troubles.
Examples Of When Getting A Payday Loan Is A Valid Option
When we say emergency expenses, we mean things that can get worse if you don’t handle them right away. These are just some examples of when getting a payday loan can help with your money troubles:
- Medical and dental expenses;
- Vet bills;
- Overdue monthly necessary expenses like rent and utilities;
- Necessary house repairs;
- Locksmith services;
- Electrician’s services;
- Plumber’s services;
- Mechanic’s services
Why Should You Get A Mississippi Payday Loan When You’re Having Money Troubles?
Besides helping with emergency expenses, there are plenty of other reasons why getting a Mississippi payday loan could help when you are having money troubles. Here are some of those benefits.
1. It’s Accessible
Almost anyone can be eligible for a payday loan. As long as you’re 18, have an active checking account in your name, and have some sort of stable income – you’re eligible to apply and see if you’ll get approved.
2. It’s Fast
If handling your money troubles quickly is the priority and timeline matters – then there’s likely no option that will get you cash faster than a payday loan. The entire application process typically takes as little as 30 minutes. And – if approved – you’ll get the cash you qualified for the very same day.
3. Any Kind Of Income Is Welcome
Unlike with traditional bank loans, you don’t need to worry about the source of your income. Any type of income will be accepted and accommodated accordingly. You just have to make sure that your source of income is stable enough for you to pay back the loan.
Keep in mind that you do need to provide your most recent pay stub to prove you have an income in the first place – the loan representative will take it from there.
4. Bad Credit History Won’t Influence Your Chances
While the loan representative may perform a quick credit check, you don’t need to worry about it influencing your approval chances. As long as you’ve satisfied the actual qualifying requirements, the credit score won’t matter. Not only can you get approved with bad credit – you can get approved if you have no credit score at all.
Do keep in mind that the payday loans won’t be reported to any credit bureaus if you default on your repayment, so they won’t influence your existing credit score – either negatively or positively.
Apply For A Mississippi Payday Loan Online
Applying for a Mississippi payday loan for your money troubles is simple, straightforward, and you can easily begin from the comfort of your own home. Here is our step-by-step guide for some quick help:
- Go to our Mississippi Title Loans, Inc. website and fill out the online form for payday loans. Be sure to select payday loans because we also offer title loans and signature installment loans.
- Wait for the form to get processed and answer your phone when the loan representative contacts you. They will also set up a meeting at the nearest MS payday loans location;
- Get the required items – your government-issued ID, your most recent pay stub, a blank check from an active checking account in your name – in order for the meeting;
- Take the required items to the meeting so that the loan representative is able to assess your information and determine if you qualify for approval;
- They will determine if you qualify for the loan and how much cash you should get – which is anything between $100-400 with a Mississippi payday loan;
- If you get approved, the loan representative will go over our loan terms. This is where you can ask questions and come up with a repayment plan. Once the agreement is signed, you’ll get the cash.
When you are going through money troubles and need help getting around them, something like a Mississippi payday loan can be a big help. So if you live in Mississippi, get your emergency handled quickly by filling out our online form, today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.