Catch Up On Late Bills With A Payday Loan
Having a pile of bills sitting on the table can be stressful, but Mississippi Title Loans, Inc. may be able to assist by offering you a payday loan. Payday loans let you pull your next paycheck forward and may help tide you over until payday rolls around again.
Many people use payday loans to help deal with late bills and there are several benefits to doing this. Let’s learn more about how payday loans work and what you can do to take advantage of them.
How Do Payday Loans Help With Late Bills?
1. They Are Quick
If you have bills piling up and they’re already late, you run the risk of additional fees being added to the amount you already owe. A lot of companies charge you extra if you pay them late, either as interest or as admin charges. This can make it even harder to balance your budget and ensure that you have enough money to meet all your outgoings.
However, a payday loan is super quick, meaning that you can take care of the obligation much faster. Our process is simple; you fill in the online form, speak with a telephone agent, and then pop into the store for a quick meeting to finish it all off and sign the paperwork.
If you are eligible for this kind of loan and you decide to proceed with it, we will transfer the money to your account within two working days. There’s no waiting around for it; it will be with you very quickly. It’s important to be aware that you do need an active checking account registered in your name to be eligible for this kind of loan. If you don’t have one, you’ll need one to proceed.
2. You Get A Lump Sum
A payday loan can give you access to a lump sum of cash, meaning that you can handle multiple bills at once or pay off one large bill quickly. There’s no need to spend hours chasing down a couple of dollars here and there; you get it all at once and can deal with the bill before it becomes even more overdue.
Our payday loans range from $100 to $400, so they can be used for a variety of bills, whether they’re vet fees, medical bills, utility bills, home repairs, car repairs, or something else. No matter what it is that’s overdue, a payday loan can help you handle it and get you back on track financially.
How Do You Get A Payday Loan?
To make life easier for our clients, we have done our best to simplify the payday loan process from start to finish. If you want to begin, all you need to do is fill in the online form on the homepage. This form will ask for a few details, including a phone number. Make sure you use a current number, as one of our agents will call you on the one you provide.
The agent will then talk you through some basic information about payday loans, and you can also take this opportunity to ask any questions you may have. They will be happy to help and offer more information. They will then schedule a time for you to come into one of the stores with the relevant paperwork at a time that is convenient for you.
Come to the store at the arranged time, and make sure you bring your identification, a blank check to a checking account in your name, and your latest pay stub. One of our representatives will meet you and look over your paperwork, and then they will determine whether you are eligible for a payday loan.
If you are, all that remains is to find out how much you can borrow, and your signature on the paperwork if you are ready to proceed. You can then resume your normal activities, while we take care of things on our end.
Check Your Eligibility Today
If you’re looking to take out a payday loan to cover some bills and tide yourself over until your next payday, there’s a chance that Mississippi Title Loans, Inc. can help you out. Our payday loans range up to $400, meaning that you can access a good chunk of money to help you take care of bills and keep your finances on track if you’re struggling.
Nobody knows when an emergency is going to hit and having unexpected expenses can make you late on your other monthly bills. That may result in additional fees and charges being added to the bill, so it’s best to avoid this. If you think a payday loan could be right for you, just fill in our online form to start the process and see if you are eligible.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.