payday loan sign

Where To Find A Mississippi Payday Loan Near Me

You may think it’s hard to find payday loans near me but it isn't as difficult as it may seem. A simple internet search triggers a whole host of Mississippi payday loan providers willing and able to offer you a loan. All you need to do is figure out which one offers the best terms, holds the relevant state licenses, and has a fantastic reputation.

Once you've discovered the best lender for you and your situation, you can get started on your payday loan request from one of two places.

You Can Start Mississippi Payday Loans Online Or In-Store

The world is more digital than ever before, so these days, you can get started on a Mississippi payday loan near you online and in-store. The choice is yours!

The Requirements Are The Same For Either 

Wherever you choose to find a payday loan in Mississippi, you can rest easy knowing the requirements are the same.

You will need:

Valid Form Of Identification

We accept almost any type of government ID as long as it is in date and contains a picture of you. As you can imagine, it allows us to confirm your name and age (please note you must be at least 18 years of age to get a payday loan).

Choose any of the identification types listed below:

  • Passport or passport card
  • Driver's license or non-driver's card
  • Military dependent's ID card
  • Military ID card
  • Student ID card

Blank Check

Make sure the name on your blank check matches your identification, so the process goes off without a hitch.

Pay Stub

Your pay stub allows us to confirm your affordability. Ideally, the slip should cover the previous 30 days.


The Processes Are Slightly Different

While the requirements stay the same, the process changes a little depending on where you choose to get a Mississippi payday loan.

So, let us have a closer look at the procedures involved with each to give you a better understanding of which is right for you. These are the processes of in-store versus online at Mississippi Title Loans, Inc.

The In-Store Process

  1. Start the process online with our super easy inquiry form.
  2. After your information is received, a loan associate will contact you to tell you about the loan in detail. If you have any questions, now is the perfect time to ask. At this time, the loan associate will also set up a time to meet at a storefront near you.
  3. Head to the store. Remember to bring your identification, proof of income, and your blank check.
  4. As soon as you get there, a loan representative will take a look at your documents to assess whether you can get the loan. 
  5. If you can, you will typically receive the cash in your savings or checking account on the same day, or the next business day.

The Online Process 

  1. Again, you begin by completing the same form, ensuring you check the payday loan box. Why? Because we offer signature installment loans and title loans too.
  2. Sit back and wait for one of our loan associates to give you a call.
  3. When getting a payday loan online, you complete all the steps during the phone call. However, you still need to submit the documents we talked about earlier.
  4. The loan representative will verify your documents and email the loan application for a signature if you are happy with the amount we can offer.
  5. Finally, we will give you the money the next business day. Depending on the time of your application, your cash can be deposited into your account on the same day!

How To Know You've Found Good Mississippi Payday Loan Providers

We mentioned that it's important to find a good lender. Therefore, it's worth understanding how to figure out if you've found a reputable one.

The characteristics of a good payday lender are:

1. They Hold Licenses

First, the lender will hold the licenses necessary to operate legally in the state of Mississippi. If you cannot find the licenses, don't give them any information.

The permits ensure everyone involved — i.e., you and the lender — get a fair deal. Plus, it reduces the risk of you falling into debt by taking out a loan you cannot comfortably afford to repay.

2. Their Terms Are Clear

On top of licenses, a good lender will display their terms and conditions clearly on their website (or inside the loan packet at the very least).

Plus, the store representatives should be more than willing to explain anything you don't understand. If they aren't forthcoming with information, you shouldn't divulge your sensitive information.

3. Their Online Reviews Are Positive

Don't rely on the reviews on the lender's website. Look at those posted on third-party sites for a true indication of the public's perception. People are more than willing to share whether they've had good or bad experiences.

Get The Money You Need From One Of Our Payday Loan Locations In Mississippi

Several places will populate your search for “find payday loans near me.” What matters is the quality of your experience and the trustworthiness of the loan lender.

Mississippi Title Loans, Inc. holds all the necessary licenses, has many positive online reviews, and offers payday loans with clear terms. We also have over 20 store locations throughout Mississippi, from Brookhaven to Columbus to Meridian and Yazoo City, making it more convenient to find a location nearest you. To get started now, gather your required items and submit the online form to get a Mississippi payday loan near me.


Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

June Mckaig

June Mckaig writes articles on finance and budgeting, hoping to provide insight amidst the overwhelming crowds of information on the internet. She feels that with all this accessibility comes a lot of false data, and she would like to contribute astute, helpful input that she knows can help others. If you would like to learn more about June's research, read more here.